Free Full Gisaengchung 2019 eng sub no registration tt6751668

Directors=Bong Joon Ho
Thriller, Comedy
liked It=385736 vote
release Date=2019
Resume=The Kims – mother and father Chung-sook and Ki-taek, and their young adult offspring, son Ki-woo and daughter Ki-jung – are a poor family living in a shabby and cramped half basement apartment in a busy lower working class commercial district of Seoul. Without even knowing it, they, especially Mr. and Mrs. Kim, literally smell of poverty. Often as a collective, they perpetrate minor scams to get by, and even when they have jobs, they do the minimum work required. Ki-woo is the one who has dreams of getting out of poverty by one day going to university. Despite not having that university education, Ki-woo is chosen by his university student friend Min, who is leaving to go to school, to take over his tutoring job to Park Da-hye, who Min plans to date once he returns to Seoul and she herself is in university. The Parks are a wealthy family who for four years have lived in their modernistic house designed by and the former residence of famed architect Namgoong. While Mr. and Mrs. Park are all about status, Mrs. Park has a flighty, simpleminded mentality and temperament, which Min tells Ki-woo to feel comfortable in lying to her about his education to get the job. In getting the job, Ki-woo further learns that Mrs. Park is looking for an art therapist for the Parks' adolescent son, Da-song, Ki-woo quickly recommending his professional art therapist friend "Jessica", really Ki-jung who he knows can pull off the scam in being the easiest liar of the four Kims. In Ki-woo also falling for Da-hye, he begins to envision himself in that house, and thus the Kims as a collective start a plan for all the Kims, like Ki-jung using assumed names, to replace existing servants in the Parks' employ in orchestrating reasons for them to be fired. The most difficult to get rid of may be Moon-gwang, the Parks' housekeeper who literally came with the house – she Namgoong's housekeeper when he lived there – and thus knows all the little nooks and crannies of it better than the Parks themselves. The question then becomes how far the Kims can take this scam in their quest to become their version of the Parks

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Everything happened so fast and most of the scenes are in slow motion Edit: thanking likes ruin good comments.
Subtitles here have Bong Joon-ho talking about beginning of calm where I’m almost certain he is saying con and later con and crime, which, in the context, makes much more sense.

Really? Right after the Oscars I found this in YouTube movies😑 I heard it good and all but would have liked seeing and hearing of this months ago rather finding out on day of Oscars that this actually existed. Not trying to hate on the movie but quite annoyed their was no promotion at all to even tell us about this.
The sister killed every scene she was a part of. I loved the actor so much.


I bet it will win Oscar for the best screenplay, director and picture.
Do in the mood for love pleaseee.
This scene is why I was wanting Parasite to win Best Editing.
When you realized that the light wasn’t sensor activated at all. I fear no man. but that light. it scares me.
Wow. That was amazingly good. Worth every second of my free time.
The Handel piece you cited actually isn’t used until the Kim mother is in place as the new housekeeper. The music used during the montage is called The Belt of Faith.
Who’s here after it swooped at the Oscar’s? 😁.
The cinematography was amazing in this movie.
Ive been dying to see this since it came out but I was under the impression that it was a horror film and was too scared to watch it on my own. But the Oscar buzz helped me convince my family to watch it with me lol.

Movie is NUTS. the way it switches visuals and just escalates throughout whilst mixing genres is just ridiculous. The balancing act is wild. And it maintains its tone perfectly. It’s like a masterclass in filmmaking and it shows the potential cinema actually has. I even shed a tear in this movie. The whole thing is a mindfuck.


6:38 kiwoo “crossing the line”.
This guy doesn’t have ONE SINGLE bad movie in his career. Master.
What they did to the poor housekeeper was insane… This movie is pure art. ❤️.

Best picture. Incredible. History

The stone has to do a lot more in movie, it’s help them to get a job however it’s also the key to start there own destruction.
I couldn’t find any comment complaining about the code-switching, just people complaining about people complaining about code-switching. Have I not scrolled down far enough.
7:15 Makes the montage even more so. so you meant the montage wasn’t perfect.
Director Bong Joon Ho has been on my radar for years now, as I believe him to be one of the best storytellers out there right now. Admittedly, I haven’t seen the majority of his films but his two most recent works in Snowpiecer and Okja were among the best films of their consecutive years. I thought both of those films were great, so I was very eagerly awaiting his newest film, Parasite. After viewing, not only does this film deserve to be talked about as one of the best films to be released in 2019, but I personally think this may just be the very best movie you’ll see all year. Now, some people may not like the turn it takes, but here’s why I think Parasite demands to be seen.
To go into detail about this premise would be to ruin it for those who haven’t seen it, so I’ll stick to the basics here. The Kim family lives in a basement living space. All unemployed, they find any way they can to make things work. Ki-woo, the eldest sibling in the family, is given the opportunity to tutor the daughter of the rich Park family. Getting smarter and smarter as the first act really kicks into gear, the Kim family becomes a group of very clever con-artists. Meaning well and doing everything they can to keep things legitimate, this makes for some terrific tension.
The biggest praise I can give this film is that it’s constantly in motion, never wasting a moment to surprise you. The set-up for this movie has many clever aspects to it, the second act throws you a real curveball and the finale doesn’t disappoint either. Some viewers may think this movie goes off the rails toward the end, but I found it to be an overall brilliant piece of storytelling. Each time you think the movie has said everything it wants to, it becomes that much more interesting. In other hands, this story could’ve have come off as a very generic film, but there’s truly something special about how well-made Parasite is.
Wonderfully shot by cinematographer Kyung-pyo Hong, each frame of this movie has more than one thing to say. It’s very rare these days that shot compositions are done in such a way that they seem to tell a story as well, but even in the moments when the focus is on the characters alone, there are things happening in the background or even signs in the framing that things are coming soon. This movie is brilliantly made in every way.
It’s very rare when I review a film and struggle to at least come up with one negative here, so I won’t bother trying, because I loved this movie too much to let anything take away from it. I will just say that certain aspects may not work for everyone. Parasite is a perfect example of why I love movies so much. A great, engaging story that surprises you from start to finish, along with one of the best crews to work on a film yet this year. I can’t praise this film enough. This Korean language film has broken through and I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if it takes home the award for best foreign film and even a nomination for best picture. This is as close to a masterpiece you can get today.

The cake on the day it all went down was the same cake that traumatized the kid. could be a metaphor that no matter what the setting is night or day the trauma of division between the rich and poor is so deep rooted you cant cover it up with a different perspective and that false reality needs to be put to an end.
Imagine not wanting to watch such a brilliant movie because you have to read the subtitles. 🙄 😑 I cant stand people.
Not gonna lie. I thought this was about to be a live action film of the anime Parasite the Maxim. Lol. Still looks really good though.

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